Did you know that a whopping 80% of New Year’s resolutions have failed by February? We’ve come up with six manageable ideas that we think you can weave into your daily life. If you do, you’ll thank us later!

1. More beauty sleep
Lots of us struggle to tick everything off our daily to-do list. Make one of your New Year’s resolutions to get up a bit earlier, and you’ll be amazed at how productive you can be before the rest of the world wakes up. If mornings aren’t your thing, getting to bed earlier will help considerably. Consider a helping hand from products infused with soothing lavender and some fresh and comfy pyjamas to help you nod off in style.

2. Look after your skin
Great skin will make you look a million dollars! Treat your skin like a beauty editor would. Always remove your make-up before bed, wear SPF or a day cream with SPF every day, introduce a skincare regime that includes exfoliating once or twice a week and drink more water! This is a New Year’s resolution that will take you minutes each day, but which could totally transform how you look and feel.

3. Upgrade your eating
Living a whole new, healthy lifestyle based around salad and exercise is a great idea, but unfortunately it’s one you’re likely to give up on quickly. So why not make a small step in the right direction that you think you can stick to? That could mean doing some meal prep on a Sunday, cutting down on takeaways, swapping your afternoon choccie bar for some fruit, or putting a bit more effort into portion control. You’ll feel so good about yourself once you get going!

4. Weekly self-care
Ever feel like you're spinning too many plates at one time? Whether you’re a busy mum, a workaholic or a social butterfly, we all deserve a break! So this year, plot a slot in your diary each week that’s all for you, and spend that time loving yourself. Whether you choose to give yourself a mani/pedi, relax with a face mask, have a bubble bath, do a spot of exercise or snuggle up with PJs and a blanket, all interruptions should be off limits.

5. Get organised
We all feel great when our affairs are in shape. Whatever that means to you, make it one of your New Year’s resolutions to get organised. It could be that you get around to that wardrobe clear-out you’ve been dreading, invest in some storage boxes so you can declutter, or buy a family organiser so you can feel on top of everyone’s busy schedules. An organised you is a happier you – we promise!

6. Be a sensible spender
Everybody loves – and deserves – to treat themselves to a few beauty bits. But rewarding yourself doesn’t have to cost a fortune! This year, choose brands that let you enjoy premium beauty without the guilty price tag. Take our Matte lippies for example – these shades are more matte than most high street brands, yet cost a fraction of the price! Get your spending in check and wave goodbye to the spending guilt … new year, new you.
A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, but that doesn’t have to mean a complete life overhaul – biting off more than you can chew will result in you giving up. So instead, pick one or two of our manageable New Year’s resolution ideas and head into the new year feeling strong and in control of the positive change you’re making! Good luck – let’s make it a good one!